Shapes board

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Rs. 750


Montessori shapes board with isolated activity of shape sorting. The shapes are primary(circle,square and triangle) and so are the colours(red, blue and yellow).

The shape sorter is a first puzzle and can be introduced to a baby a early as 7 months and gradually incorporated into routine playtime. It’s designed in a simple and functional way. The pegs on the shape will be useful for the baby’s grip while sorting it to the different bases.

This toy is for simple learning with less distractions and finds you in the best price for the market.

The paints used are certified non toxic that keeps mouthing worries at bay.

You can introduce the toy and wait for babies to figure out which shape goes into which base. Incremental additions to introducing the names of shape and then colours can be done.

It enhances
🔰Problem solving

Addresses the
🔰Positioning schema

🔰Fine motor skills and pincer grasp

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