Twisty Cubes

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Rs. 475



Twisty Cubes
This wooden cube puzzle is a brain teaser with a twist. A simple, interactive, open-ended wooden cube puzzle, our twisty cubes, is sure to fire your little one’s imagination.
Wooden cubes connected with elastic band that fit into precisely cut grooves for kids to twist and manipulate to make a zillion things. A great toy that helps promote color recognition, spatial reasoning, deduction skills and problem-solving ability.
Twisty cubes make for a great fidgety, travel toy and helps calms kids as well. Make that birthday special by adding this to your return favour or make those road trips easy with our Twisty Cubes!
Twist, turn, manipulate the cubes into a wide variety of shapes and objects and have a blast!
Interactive. Open-ended. Easy to carry.

Material Specification: Ivory Wood

Dimensions - 15.5cm

Recommended Age - 3+ years

Ships from - Bangalore, KN

Country of Origin - India

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