My daily affirmations Dinosaur

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Rs. 399



Introducing our Daily Affirmations Board, a beautifully crafted and empowering tool designed to infuse positivity into your daily routine. This thoughtfully designed wooden board features 12 affirmation tokens, each carrying a powerful and uplifting message. 

Key Features:

  • Wooden Affirmations Board: Crafted with care, the wooden board provides a charming and durable backdrop for your daily affirmations. Its compact size makes it perfect for display on desks, dressers, or any space where you begin your day.

  • 12 Affirmation Tokens: Discover a collection of 12 carefully curated affirmation tokens, each carrying a unique message aimed at promoting self-confidence, motivation, and a positive mindset. 

  • Velcro Attachment: The innovative design incorporates a secure Velcro attachment system, allowing you to easily attach and detach affirmation tokens. This feature makes it simple to switch out tokens daily, ensuring a fresh and inspiring affirmation for each new day.

  • Daily Affirmation Ritual: Start your morning routine by choosing an affirmation token that aligns with your intentions for the day. Attach it to the board as a visual reminder of your positive affirmation, fostering a mindset of self-empowerment and optimism throughout the day.


  • Cultivates Positivity

  • Inspires Reflection

  • Customizable and Reusable

  • Beautiful Decor Piece

Elevate your daily routine with our Daily Affirmations Board, and embark on a journey of self-empowerment and positivity. Affirm, believe, and watch as your daily intentions manifest into a life filled with joy and purpose.

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