Travel Stress free with kids

Taking your baby on a journey for the first time is a big deal, filled with fear, excitement, and nervousness. Newbie parents can’t help but worry. Are we ready for a trip? Will our baby enjoy? Is the destination safe and baby friendly? Traveling with an infant is not as scary as it sounds but it does require extra planning. Check out these smart tricks of the trade to sail through fairly smoothly.

  • RELAX THE RULES: This step will help you keep peace during the trip which is the top priority. You can definitely become cool parents for a day or few hours till your trip lasts. This will also help kids to enjoy their journey.
  • ORGANISE: This is the key. Being organised makes things easier. So prepare for the trip in advance & list down the things you need to carry. You can categorise them for easy reference into snacks, baby gear, diaper bag, baby clothes, medicines, tumbler, water, spoons, toiletries, yours and your partners clothing. Packing your car a night before will ease the morning anxiety. Also, ensure that you carry a lightweight backpack. Investing in a good baby car seat will also be advantageous when travelling with a toddler. This will ensure the baby sleeps blissfully during the journey and the sufficient belts in the seat will ensure your baby is secured firmly.
  • HAVE DEDICATED CAR ENTERTAINMENT: Carry toys which are educative can be carried easily. Enjoy a memory game keeping your child engaged as well as improving their memory  power or teach your kids to count on the go or you could fall back on traditional games like tic tac toe or even better play some nursery rhymes.     
  • CAR SLEEP IS YOUR FRIEND: Try to time your trip around naps/sleep. This helps parents have a little more relaxed travel time comparitively.such that you reach your destination before bedtime. Also ensure sufficient pit stop.
  • COMFORT: Make your kids feel comfortable by wearing loose clothing, no footwear (just good, thick, warm socks should be sufficient). Carry their favourite soft toy to snuggle with. This will ensure your child is comfortable, less irritated and enjoys the trip along with you.
  • SNACKS, SNACKS & MORE SNACKS : Carry easy to digest, non-messy snacks

The idea of travel is to enjoy the journey. Let your child also get used to it. With products from JoGenii your child will surely stay engaged.

Check our products for travel on JoGenii

Memory Buzz    Counting Apples   Tic-Tac-Toe Nursery rhymes


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